Monday, April 15, 2013

Commentary on the Sonogram Law

This is a commentary I made on the work of my classmate Gypsy King about the Sonogram law which was passed in February 2012. 

           I am in complete agreement with Ms. King. I find it outrageous that the government feels the need to put women through such a painful and traumatic process because of a decision about her body and life. We cannot assume that most women who have abortions took that decision lightly. Having a child is a big responsibility and it is up to the woman to decide if she is ready or not. I do recognize that there are many irresponsible women using abortion as a sort of birth control, but this does not mean we should punish and degrade all women because of it. There are multiple reasons why a woman chooses to have an abortion, but that is her choice, and she should not be punished for it in any way. Abortions already have great emotional impact on a woman, there is no reason to make it even worst. The government should not have allowed this to pass, to me this should be considered cruel and unusual punishment.

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