Monday, February 25, 2013

Editorial: European and US trade relations

  The Editorial that I found on the Dallas Morning News stuck out to me right away. President Obama announced in his State of the Union address that he plans to create a trade treaty with the countries in the European Union. This was a bit of a surprise due to the fact that the President Obama has not focused on foreign trade during his last term.

    A trade relationship with Europe would benefit both the US and Europe. The writer explains that if our trading relationship expanded it would result in lower tariffs and duties for American and Texan companies. This idea of trading with Europe is still premature, if the US decided to go through with it, there would be extensive negotiation, especially on labor laws and environmental standards, which are more lenient here.
   The writer compares President Obama to presidents that have taken actions that surprised and defied what the people believed to be in the country’s best interest. For example Reagan’s relationship with communist Gorbachev during the Cold War and Nixon’s relationship with China. This could potentially be Obama’s legacy.
    I think overall the author did a good job in reviewing this idea, he provided information of what the concept is, the benefits of it and brought up some issues that will need to be resolved if this plan moves forward. I appreciated his reference to past presidents and the correlation between their foreign relationships to this current one.

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